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Buying a Deal

How to get property deals:

We send our property investment opportunities via email. Anyone can sign up to receive deals, all you have to do is fill out the form on this page. You can also sign up by clicking the 'Get Access To Property Deals' button on the Home page and fill in the form.


To buy property deals from us the process is as follows:


  • Reply to the email via text to register your interest


  • We will call back in order of when we received texts and discuss the property in further detail


  • If you are satisfied with the property and wish to proceed we will send you our Terms and Conditions, followed by an invoice for the Finders Fee


  • Once the Finders Fee has been paid the property is secured for you and your 14-day cooling off period will begin


  • We will be available at any time for any queries you may have throughout the process



Don't worry all of this information will be included in the emails with a clear call to action.

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You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button on emails or by contacting us.

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