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Guaranteed Rent

Get a guaranteed rent for your property

We have a large amount of clients who run a guaranteed rent scheme. The schemes are completely hands off and hassle free. They take all the responsibility for your property and pay you a guaranteed rent for the agreed upon term. If this is something you would be interested in, please get in contact with us and we will connect you for free.


Guaranteed Rent

Our clients will rent your property through their company for an agreed upon term. This means if for any reason they miss a rent payment, you can evict them in weeks, not months like with regular AST contracts. 

Kitchen Interior with Island

Key Benefits

  • Managing tenants 

  • Void periods

  • Regular Cleaning 

  • Regular Inspections

  • Maintenance 

  • Paying a guaranteed rent 

Living Room

Hands Off

You can be as involved or not involved as you like. Our clients are used to taking on all the responsibility. You can sit back and relax knowing everything is taken care of.


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